This is not that big a deal since I seem to have Samba configured satisfactorily but I just want to know. I am supposed to be able to access swat by entering http://localhost:901 in my browser but I am unable to access it. I do have local networking active as I can browse other devices on my network. My wife can get to my printer on my Linux system from her XP system so Samba works. I have the appropriate line in /etc/services BUT traditionally you need a line in /etc/inetd.conf. We have /etc/xinetd.conf but it really just seems to refer one to the directory xinetd.d. In the Administration Guide on page 543 it refers you to /etc/xinetd.d/samba and instricts you to edit it. There is no such file. There IS /etc/xinetd.d/swat but it does not seem to require any change as far as I can see. SO, any thoughts? Scott