Jan Engelhardt wrote:
From: suse@rio.vg
You might want to fix something. I always get a mail back from postmaster when writing to you.
That's odd... I've gotten mail from others on this account... what is the error?
are often written to be quite cross-platform. I've got a windows box that I use for a few things (mostly compatibility testing), and just last night I got annoyed at Windows Media Play, so I installed MPlayer. Works great.
Call it benefit of open source -- though a word most Windowsians
never figured out yet.
Indeed. I was really surprised to find MPlayer for windows. I've begun to wonder how hard would it really be for commercial companies to
suse@rio.vg wrote: probably port their apps to Linux? Depends on the company. You can see Google did a tremendos job with picasa - which they ported using an embedded wine platforme. Also opera wrote their browser so it could easily be ported to whatever OS and even handhelds. Corel, on the other hand, doesn't feel it appropriate... "Response (Maria) - 08/25/2006 08:07 AM Hi Mr K., Thank you for contacting Technical Services. There is no version of CorelDRAW available for Linux at the moment. Corels market data indicates that more than 95 per cent of CorelDRAW customers are using the Windows® platform. As a result, CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 and X3 are available for Windows only." So now the answer to the OPs quesiton is - what in SuSE Linux doesn't provide teh same or similar functionality to CorelDraw? I don't know Corel, so I can't say if the GIMP is equitable. -- Kai Ponte www.perfectreign.com Listen, strange women lyin' in ponds distributin' swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony. -- Kai Ponte www.perfectreign.com Listen, strange women lyin' in ponds distributin' swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.