Chadley Wilson wrote:
I was friendly and asked a genuine question. But it seems this list is super over populated with newbies,
Insults will not get you very far, here or elsewhere.
Is there a list for suse where all the experts hangout and deal with expert problems like this one, or am I sc3wed?
The onboard sound run in win XP has the ability to use the three audio jacks as the following:
the Mic (pink) as Sub woofer out the line (blue) and rear out the Audio (green) as front audio
How can I get this setup to work in Suse?
The lack of an answer would be = no one knows and/or cares. Try looking on the alsa website ( for answers, as this is an alsa question and not specific to SuSE. There is also an alsa mailing
Expert problem? list where you may find answers. HTH. -- Joe Morris New Tribes Mission Email Address: Registered Linux user 231871