** Reply to message from Oliver Ob <ob_ok@gmx.net> on Fri, 19 Jan 2001 15:23:05 +0100 When I got this message, it was because some one here suggested compiling 2.4.0 just like SuSE, with everything modular so all the modules would be available, if needed. Probably is the "ext2" file system is linux default and has a "configure as modules" option in "make xconfig". Furthermore, is described as "Second extended fs support" -- not very clear, is it? I personally think that "make xconfig" is best; you may not be able to start X, so use "make menuconfig" from console. Look at File Systems, find Second extended fs support, and compile it into the kernel by choosing "YES", Save configuration, make dep, make bzImage. This solved my problem, but I had a boot disketter to 2.2.18 so I could back in. Hope this helps. Ed Harrison SuSE 6.4, Kernel 2.4.0, X 4.0.2, IBM JDK 1.1.8 or Warp 4, FP12 or Windows98 (running in vmware 2.0.3 for fun) PolarBarMailer 1.1.19a