Yesterday, I installed 15.3 on a xen guest - the minimal server pattern. In summary - fast and easy and nothing much to comment on. Minor observations - - when reviewing "Automatic Changes", the list starts at the end. - "cannot save ntp config because chrony is not installed" - needless prompt. - final pop-up, "the system will reboot now" - no time-out ? "Performing Installation" - an hourglass character/icon until the ETA can be estimated, nice touch! I see some fonts (adobe, cantarell, google) are being installed, which doesn't make much sense, but they don't take up much space or time. ISTR it having to do with the release notes or some such? The two prompts are a little annoying, coz they mean I have to be present to hit "OK", otherwise the install will be held up. Previously, I thought we had a 10sec time-out on the final prompt ? -- Per Jessen, Zürich (0.7°C) - free dynamic DNS, made in Switzerland.