"W.D.McKinney" wrote:
Due to the SCSI 25pin problem, I am trying to use an external ZIP+ drive with my parallel port. What's the best way to mount it ?
I have the mini-HOWTO and it speaks to the SCSI side mostly.
Am I just confused due the turkey consumption planned ?
I can't help you with the parallel port, but I had a similar problem with an external scsi scanner with the 25 pin connector. I found 2 ways to solve it. 1. I lucked out at a computer show and found a HDP50 to 25 pin cable. My scsi card gives me a HDP50 connection on the back. 2. At Jameco Electronics, who sends out a catalog and has an 800 number, they sell an adaptor which sits in an open slot in back of your case. It presents a 25 pin scsi connector to the outside, and accepts a standard 50 pin header off of a ribbon cable inside. It is only 8 bucks. It worked, but I suspect it caused an occaisional timing error because of mixing different cables. It worked fine as long as nothing else was connected on the internal ribbon cable. But if I tried to use the other ribbon header for another internal scsi device, it would act flaky. Terminations became a problem. - To get out of this list, please send email to majordomo@suse.com with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e