The sysop at http://www.universalthread.com indicated in an email message to me today that he will be adding a Linux Forum to the site soon. For those who are not familiar with the UniversalThread, it is a messaging forum that has various levels of subscription. The premium level is about $40/year and gives you access to all forums and services, which includes a message search engine, articles, source code, job market, etc.... People cannot use pseudonames or spoofed addresses. They can include their pictures, resume summaries, personal and business emails and electronic cards. Text is the prefered message medium. Access is via your browser. It hosts technical discussions on a wide variety of development tools. I first found out about it a couple of years ago when I joined it's Visual FoxPro Forum, which is now the #1 VFP forum in the world. Needless to say, you can forget the spam, porn ads, potheads, political extremists, anonymous mailers, slanders, hate-mongers and the various internet predators. You never lose messages or list entries. It will be pure Linux news, tips, help, code, etc., from your professional peers. At least, that is the way it is with FoxPro, Visual Basic, Oracle, Sybase, and the other forums. I am not suggesting that it replace this excellent mail-list server, but will be an excellent addition to your learning tool. I don't work for UT and I'm not getting a single perk for this notice. I do this because of the quality of the service. -- JLK "The measure of worth - 'wealth' - is knowledge and competence. It can't be stolen, hoarded, taxed or counterfeited. If left to lie unused it effectively doesn't exist." - James P. Hogan -- To unsubscribe send e-mail to suse-linux-e-unsubscribe@suse.com For additional commands send e-mail to suse-linux-e-help@suse.com Also check the FAQ at http://www.suse.com/Support/Doku/FAQ/