** On Sat, 2 Feb 2002 08:13:14 -0800 Ben Rosenberg <ben@whack.org>dashed off this message: **dual booted PC since my own was dual booted with OS/2 **Warp and NeXTStep for Intel 3.0.3 ;) yup ! My last one ( barring testbeds ) was a box that came w/ win3.11 <shudder> and OS/2 w/ a tiny os/2 icon on the windows desktop , which , if clicked , offered to get rid of Os/2 for me, and "free up valuable disk space! " needless to say that didn't lsat any longer than it took me to locate my Warp disk and do a nice "clean" install . I liked Os/2 a lot .. and because of the self help that it came to require ( after a lot of user groups seemed , somehow, to be infiltrated w/ all those strange "undercover" windows folk) , and the community around it , made the jump to linux a lot less painfull than it might have been ! when w2k came out I was required to test it , and it ate my OS/2 partition... and then tha computer died ... coincedence? ( IT probably died of shame, since it never even had winos/2 installed on it. ) -- j afterthought : Accordion, n.:A bagpipe with pleats.