I just wrote:
On Sunday, July 31, 2005 @ 5:50 PM, A Yahiaoui wrote:
Dear all,
I have installed suse pro 9.2 on my pc in which motherboard is asus p2B and I getting in starting Linux. When I switch on my pc, grub word displays and nothing then happens>
I have even tried with Lilo, but I got the error after starting in form of L 99 99 ...
I would be glad if you would like to help me to solve this problem.
Thinking you in advance for your support
I have had that happen before and the problem was that Grub Stage 1 was not installed in the MBR. There are two stages to GRUB, the first in the MBR of your hard drive and the second is in your actual SuSE root partition. Now, cutting to the chase, if that is the problem here as what you would need to do.
1) Boot your system from the installation disk. You should see the same screens you saw when you first installed, but at some point you will be provided options such as (these may not be exact words) New Installation, Boot Current System, ... Select Boot Current System. That should get you booted up. Log in as root. Then, do the following
grub -- This should come back with a prompt grub>
find /boot/grub/stage1 -- You should get back something like (hd0,1)
root (hd0,1) -- Or whatever the prompt said
setup (hd0) -- You should get messages back saying stage 1 has been written.
Re-boot, without the Installation CD
Good luck, Greg Wallace
Damn. I hope this one doesn't wrap the steps I listed like the last message did (hard to read). Greg Wallace