on 5/3/04 8:48 PM, L. Mark Stone at LMStone@RNoME.com scribbled:
On Mon, 2004-05-03 at 17:11, James Knott wrote:
L. Mark Stone wrote:
Can anyone recommend a good USA reseller for SuSE Linux Open Exchange Server? We just want the licensing and the SuSE maintenance; we don't need anything else.
Off-list replies are OK on this one...
Did you try Amazon.com?
Yup. No longer carried by them...
Hi, We bought our SLOX from CDW and our SLES from http://ricis.com/. You may have some trouble getting a copy of SLOX with the Novell purchase all items are being re-SKUed. I had trouble getting SLES from CDW and bought it http://ricis.com/ because they had it on the shelf. -- Mike Brandonisio Chief Technology Officer Mercor Media Inc. Main 312.628.5870 x229 Alt 630.665.5613 http://www.mercormedia.com mbrando@mercormedia.com