I got things to work. The firewall thoughts were bogus. The printer is connected to a laptop. When I place the laptop in suspend and then reactivate it - some services get hosed - printing being one of them. So I was fighting something that was not a configuration problem per se. How'd I fix it? I used YAST and "changed" the configuration by setting the printer & model - this was already done - but it forced the settings back to what I wanted. Print queues stayed the same. I found this symptom to occur occassionally with the wireless NIC I use (D-Link AirPlus XtremeG). Rich On Tue, 2005-05-24 at 09:43 -0400, Rich Goodwin wrote:
I upgraded from 9.2 to 9.3 a month ago. Printing to my Epson C86 worked perfectly under 9.2. When I installed (sorry - did not upgrade) 9.3, the printer was recognized and it looked like the print queue was setup. I just tried to print but things failed.
I played with the firewall settings but have not enabled printing. Can someone clarify what needs to be done to the firewall?? I presume it's the firewall since I found references to this being a stumbling block.
-- Key fingerprint = 8BF9 990D 8853 5CD8 AB44 8F48 7BC8 5D4B 1B25 7AEC
Remember, all Windows-based machines are, by definition, fault tolerant.
They run Windows don't they?!?!?!?
-- Key fingerprint = 8BF9 990D 8853 5CD8 AB44 8F48 7BC8 5D4B 1B25 7AEC Remember, all Windows-based machines are, by definition, fault tolerant. They run Windows don't they?!?!?!?