List, seriously, whom to vote for when I am not happy with current opensuse proceedings. Whole -v1 -v2 and more deal is pretty frustrating. Also ancient versioned packages being shipped in current 'flagship' release. please do tell me why the ddclient on maintenance hangs for like 5months and not being released: <https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/openSUSE:Maintenance:17573> why? when? this still makes the currently available ddclient package on the normal repos: Information for package ddclient: --------------------------------- Repository : Networking services and related tools (15.4) Name : ddclient Version : 3.9.1-lp154.84.1 like almost three years old:
I have not found yet? overlooked? the real technical reason for this whole -v1 abandonment discussion. was it because opensuse is trying to modernize and virtualize more of its core components or its whole os architecture on the inside or what is it *exactly* what the opensuse builders need from higher (more) cpu instruction sets beyond the first generation of when amd introduced its x86-64 (stop calling it intel). also nobody, *noone* produced a reliable and immediately usable package for current leap users to exactly check their cpu architecture for ABI level eligbility. that inxi stuff is bugged and all those other scripts apparently as well (awk on cpuinfo etc as far as I have read). i have plenty of AMD systems, not even only the first generation when amd started the x64 world, but even phenom II x6 1090T and such stuff. why would anyone want to ditch that kind of cpu? apparently all not eligible for -v2 readyness. or is it? please provide a sane and safe and valid and proven way to sort our cpu and platforms into the actual proper bins and baskets of these major abi levels. thanks. speaking of modern stuff, opensuse refuses to go down the software patents trap and ships like barely any codecs etc at all, so i wonder how any of you guys browses twitter on opensuse. opensuse and corporate folks speaking about how they can not break the law, and then pointing to freelance people at packman, let them break the law or fuss with the government and prosecution. cool way to get rid of trouble. thats at least how i see this in the public and this is the message that arrives on my premises. the only place i can use for videos is youtube for example as they offer streams in non nightmared codecs and encodings. plays nicely. thanks google. wonder when the rest of the industry, twitter was just a small (large encumbent) example as about how pretty much everybody else seems to just not care. or the internet is a corporates world more and more by every day. so speaking about needing modern cpu and instructions set, how about bringing the opensuse distribution up to par or modernize it on every other aspect, not starting with abandoning for no reason various cpu that re-started and advanced a whole era (x64) on the pc world. isnt opensuse just still a generic distribution to be meant for desktop and average users? so why not allowing people to use it on the very platform that expanded into a great new future with the extend 64bit instructionset introduced back then by amd in the first place. some other package that keeps me worrying strongly, is openssh. the guys also back longer time ago, introduced some key exchange (no techie here) or means to hinder quantum crypto attacks by adversaries collecting all your even encrypted streams of data they can get hold of. but I see no urgency or need at opensuse that leap would ship a decently recent openssh layer. am I misunderstanding this situation with the possibility and probability of attacking ssh or is opensuse just way too reluctant to ship like current software. not even cutting edge. but not like year old dated stuff?
<https://www.openssh.com/releasenotes.html>, check for: NTRU, post quantum
i just read that leap 15.5 code deadline is like only a few weeks around the corner, january 2023. i do wonder what openssh we will get there and what and if ddclient manages to become shipped in a not-three-year-old version? what the heck :/ I remember, i used to buy and pay for suse distribution in the old days, not enterprise or such stuff, but back when you would get a shirnk wrapped package and printed manual, some CDs and DVD or so later on. book retailer and sofware shop. that kind of days. i seemed to be quite attached or admiring and excited about (open)suse and linux back in the days. I am kind of having lost that momentum...? returning to the question: who is able to lead and keep opensuse (leap) relevant for normal desktop and home users, i need to know whom to vote for. make opensuse great again. so what now? who wants my vote? ty