On Wed, 11 Nov 2020 10:48:16 +0000 Dave Howorth <dave@howorth.org.uk> wrote:
On Wed, 11 Nov 2020 07:27:12 +0100 Simon Becherer <simon@becherer.de> wrote:
Message contains administrivia
Google says:
administrivia This option specifies whether Mailman will search posted messages for admimistrivia, in other words, email commands which usually should be posted to the -request address for the list. Setting this to Yes helps prevent such things as unsubscribe messages getting erroneously posted to the list.
If a message seems to contain administrivia, it is held for moderator approval.
There's also https://mail.python.org/pipermail/mailman-users/2007-April/056435.html which seems to indicate that using the option is just as likely to irritate both users and administrators as it is to be useful :(