Wed, 20 Mar 2024 19:20:33 +0100 Bengt Gördén <> :
On 2024-03-20 15:41, bent fender wrote:
NB1 the plugins annunciation minds me of earlier discussions about** so I wonder where exactly and how does Audacity store the users' decision about accepting or rejecting these plugins?
Tools/Plugin manager
I also remember that audacity doesn't update its list of plugins if you remove one of them. Audacity just disables it in the list. The only way is/was to delete the files and have them recreated the next time you start audacity.
.config/audacity/pluginsettings.cfg .config/audacity/pluginregistry.cfg
Took me 3 tries to install a fresh TW, build up the package list and tweak everything all the way but without pulseaudio. Audacity worked throughout with the odd fit thrown about plugins. Made several backup images at different stages and saved out the packages XML lists each time. Then I had to try installing pulseaudio because its pavu control panel is too essential. Installing Audacity at this point required removals -wireplumber-audio -pipewire-pulseaudio -pipewire-alsa Even so, as soon as pulseaudio was installed Audacity stopped launching. Rebooted and tried to launch again, this time I got a " --- no such file or directory" I don't understand how an uninstalled package can later become a missing dependancy? Anyway, all's well that ends well, with the installation of libjack Audacity is back in business and I'm ready for a LOOOOOOONG overdue guitar session. Thanks for all the pointers, as applicable...