Hi George: Try this link for the admin guide: www-uxsup.csx.cam.ac.uk/pub/doc/suse/suse9.3/suselinux-adminguide_en/index.html And, by backtracking a bit, you should be able to find the user's guide as well. Hope this helps. Cheers, Mike On Wednesday 22 June 2005 8:53 am, suse_gasjr4wd@mac.com wrote:
Anyone know how I can download the User Guide and Administration Guide on PDF for 9.2?
Or tell me a link?
-- Thanks, George
If there is no monitor, it's an Apple ASIP server. If there is a dusty stool sitting in front of it, it's a Linux server If there is a comfortable chair and several coffee cup stains in front of it, it's an NT server. If no one can remember where the server is, it's a Novell server. If there is a high paid network admin contractor, comfortable chair, several coffee cup stains sitting in front of it, it's a Apple OSX server.