-pj composed on 2024-01-31 16:06 (UTC-0600):
Felix Miata wrote:
I gave up long ago trying to use the susepaste website other than to view existing pastes. Similarly, I found the susepaste command to be cantankerous and picky going back for years, making me think its host's upload functionality simply doesn't run on a 24/7 basis. More recently I have found it fairly reliable, as long as the upload size and/or expires are not too large, and quotes are used for *all* cmdline option strings, exactly as demonstrated in its man page examples.
Ok, thanks for your insight into this. I have been confused about this for some time actually. Is it acceptable to attach the strace.log file to a message in Thunderbird or is that not a good way? What do you think I should do about this situation?
First, strip .log out of the file name if that's how it ends. Instead of its original name, change its end to log.txt or just .txt. Then try the susepaste command again strictly using the bottom of man page examples, using at least a week long expires. If it fails again, double check your quoting and try again. If it still fails, wait 10 hours and try again, and if that too fails, try compressing the log into an archive, and attach the archive to a list reply mail. -- Evolution as taught in public schools is, like religion, based on faith, not based on science. Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks! Felix Miata