Just installed SuSE 10. Amarok, which was a fairly nice application in 9.3, will "freeze" for about 5, 10 seconds whenever I do anything, such as queue a track, add media, or use the sidebar. If a song is playing it will "pause" while the app is thinking about doing what it needs to. Is there anything I can do about this? It's incredibly annoying. I'm always queuing the next few tracks I want to listen to while it's playing and the little "freeze" routine in the new version just makes me unhappy. Another problem is that it won't play songs with unusual charachters in the ID3 tag, like a question mark: "What Child Is This?". never realized so many Christmas songs had questions marks in the title until now ;-) What's worse is it won't skip them, if just sits there claiming it's playing and never making sound, or moving on to the next track. Anyone else having these problems? XMMS plays all the files just fine, just like always. If I could get the Wake Up Alarm to compile on 10.0 I'd leave amarok alone and go back to XMMS. Thanks. -- ---------------------------------------------------- Jonathan Wilson Cedar Creek Software http://www.cedarcreeksoftware.com