Op maandag 2 december 2002 06:02, schreef Scott Jones:
On Sunday 01 December 2002 8:49 pm, Anders Johansson wrote:
I'm aware, and it has been noted as a bug in kmail. But until that gets sorted there is a need for a work-around, such as deleting mails with identical message IDs.
As was pointed out to me when I filed the bug report, it isn't the duplicate IDs that are causing the problem, it is the fact that the Message ID and In-Reply-To are identical that causes this. I don't know if this is cause in Richard's case, as I have not received any mail on the list that fits this pattern since then.
And that seems to be case here too: From: Graham Smith <gqs@iinet.net.au> From: SuSEnixER <WideGlide@MyRealBox.com> From: SuSEnixER <WideGlide@MyRealBox.com> From: Togan Muftuoglu <toganm@dinamizm.com>
In-Reply-To: <20021130T184245.GA13187.pat@wahoo.no-ip.org> In-Reply-To: <20021130T184245.GA13187.pat@wahoo.no-ip.org> In-Reply-To: <200212011339.22290.gqs@iinet.net.au> In-Reply-To: <20021201145125.GE17190@dinamizm.com>
Message-ID: <20021130T184245.GA13187.pat@wahoo.no-ip.org> Message-ID: <20021130T184245.GA13187.pat@wahoo.no-ip.org> Message-ID: <20021201145125.GE17190@dinamizm.com> Message-Id: <200212020253.57877.gqs@iinet.net.au>
Subject: Re: [SLE] [SOLVED] firewall blocks xntp system time maintenance Subject: Re: [SLE] [SOLVED] firewall blocks xntp system time maintenance Subject: [SLE] [SOLVED ALL] firewall blocks xntp system time maintenance Subject: [SLE] [SOLVED] firewall blocks xntp system time maintenance -- Richard Bos Without a home the journey is endless