Hello, On Jul 5 10:01 Nick Zentena wrote (shortened):
I've always had printing working fine. From Suse 5. something on. When I installed 9.2 it worked fine. Then for some reason it stopped working. 9.3 hasn't improved anything.
I understand this as follows: For an unknown reason it had stopped working during 9.2. In this case the reason cannot be changes in the software packages (CUPS, Ghostscript, ...) because then it wouldn't have worked at all for 9.2. Therefore the reason seems to be a somewhat corrupted printing system (e.g. corrupted config files or corrupted spool files). See http://portal.suse.com/sdb/en/2004/07/pohletz_cups_manual_reinstall.html and see also http://lists.suse.com/archive/suse-linux-e/2004-Jun/4134.html Kind Regards Johannes Meixner -- SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstrasse 5 Mail: jsmeix@suse.de 90409 Nuernberg, Germany WWW: http://www.suse.de/