zentara wrote:
On Sun, 8 Dec 2002 21:04:04 +0100 James Hatridge <James.Hatridge@epost.de> wrote:
I've heard this tale below many times, but I don't know if there is any thing to it. Does any one know anything about it?
Humans don't have a clue about Time. We like to brag about how much control we have over this world, with our "great scientific prowess"; but we still can't answer the question: "What is the difference between NOW and 1 second ago?"
We exist in space-time, a 4-dimensional state. (Quite probably more than 4) Humans are always trying to separate space from time, because of our puny brain structure, and our desire to control our immediate space. We see space, which we can grasp and control, then we see time as motion-in-space.
The earth is not a spheroid, it looks more like a long stretched out slinky in space-time. However, in our localized little piece of space time, it's convenient for us to think of the earth as a spheroid, just spinning around. It's easier on our brains. We make the mistake in projecting our limited view onto the universe.
If you want to understand how "God" sees us, think of it this way: we are "event-sequences" ...... a long string of events, starting from birth, and ending at death. This is where free will comes from, we have the freedom to react to the events as they unfold in our "lives".
It's quite possible that the "past" still exists, we just can't access it anymore, because of a thing we call the "Time barrier". You need to comprehend the 12 dimensional universe to understand it, it's second-grade stuff for the "gods", but unfathomable for us humans.
We are awfully lucky to be existing in a portion of the cosmic ocean which is relatively calm, peaceful, and predictable. However, there are oral legends from ancient tribes, which claim that every 10,000 years or so, we pass thru a an area of "cosmic-ocean-turbulence" in which all our "physical laws" get turned upside down by huge wave disturbances. Like a "cosmic-hurricane".
Yeah, I know, I watch too much Star Trek. :-) It blows my mind to meditate on how there are gazillion of neutrino's per second just just blowing thru me and the earth, like the "cosmic-breeze", and that our science can't even display or see them.
The real question is: "What other invisible energy is here, which we can't see?" Is this energy concious? Is it what we call "God" ?
I need a trip to Amsterdam. :-)
Actually, time is an illusion. The present , past and future are coincident and the the neutrinos are at their source and destination simultaneously, I've been to Amsterdam and I never left and will go again.