I have a system that is installed at a customer site. Their IT guys, as is usually the case when a Linux box arrives, are very conservative about what the machine can access. As we slowly make it available in their environ, I would like it to be able to access the internet. Mainly to get access to openSUSE repos for updates and the like. They are leaning toward allowing this. But they want to restrict the sites that can be accessed to some list that we provide to them. IT guys have their ideas. As we expect to use zypper to do most of this, we need to make sure that zypper limits itself to the sites that are listed. Is there any way to tell zypper which mirror sites are available so it will only consider those? As this system is in Portugal, maybe there is some list of quality mirrors that are best used in Portugal? Anyone else have this kind of restraint? -- Roger Oberholtzer