Hi guys, I have encrypted a home partition (SuSE 10.1) and when my laptop boots I get the prompt to enter my password if I do that in a certain amount of time everything is OK and I am using the right partition but if not I can still log on but my files are going somewhere else. I encrypted the partition during the install but I mistyped the password I thought YaST is going to fail when creating the user directories etc. but it did not... it actually work so I thought I must have typed the right password, so I reboot (after the install) type the password and try to login I get an error message that KDE cannot be initialized so I copied the .profile skel file and everything worked. Now my problem is: if I do not pay attention to the prompt and type nothing (it just proceeds after a certain amount of time) I can log in fine but my files are going somewhere non encrypted. I am having a problem understanding why there always appear to be a /home directory even though I have specified the enc partition to be mounted that way....what is going on?? Can I specify that I do not want the system to start without the password being typed and the partition loaded? Has anyone managed to create an encrypted partition on a usb disk, I have some files I wish to keep encrypted any ideas on what is the best approach? Thanks in advance. George