Rowan Reid wrote:
Though I have no useful input I would like to say something. I initially started using linux with redhat 5.0, it sucked then. Then moved to SuSE6.0 because they on the cutting edge with supporting new hardware. I used to be a huge linux desktop finatic, even did a seminar at borders bookstore. I've even beta tested Corel 9 Desktop publishing kit for linux. Linux does not make a good desktop, not if your updating with every revision that comes out. Windows 95 was windows 95 for almost 4 plus years with no updates, few patchs maybe. For some reason with linux with every new version of gnome or KDE we run to upgrade then run around crying when our old programs don’t work and all the links to file libraries have been changed. If you choose not to upgrade all the new programs you want require the latest libraries. It's a pain in the ass, thus I run win2k at home and a striped down version of SuSE 8.0 on all my servers. As a desktop linux works well when you have a repetitive user running the same apps over and over. A good example KDE, with star office. Ok I'm finished now.
Thanks for your input, Rowan. You have some good points. I used my first installation of Linux, Slackware, with kernel 1.2.8 which I updated to 2.0.? which was a project, but the only major change I made to that system, for 4 years! Good day! -- _____________________ Christopher R. Carlen Suse 7.3 Linux 2.4.10