El Sáb 02 Feb 2002 18:38, escribiste:
oross@att.net.mx wrote:
then running depmod -a, but it doesn't work. And I have no idea how to set modules.conf for automatic loading of the i2c-core, i2c-isa, i2c-proc and w83781d modules for my Winbond sensor chip.
I don't know about doing it with module.conf, but you can add the appropriate modprobe to boot.local for automatic loading at boot.
Thanks for your prompt reply. I'm doing it like that so far... but that's not loading on demand.... it's loading wether you use the module or not. I'd like to set it up so that when ... say ... xmame checks my /dev/js0 file, the necesary modules get loaded... same thing with gkrellm, when it reads my sensor file, the appropiate modules get loaded. Any ideas? Thanks again Oscar Ross