Does anyone on the list know of a free X server for Windows 3.11? Best regards
I havn't looked recently, but like most things specific to windows, the work is only done by people wanting to make a profit, and hence not free. If your main objective is to use PCs running Windows as a X-Terminal for Linux (without actually installing Linux on the PC) you might like to have a look at With this you can run additional X-Servers with no associated graphics hardware on your Linux system, and you then use the VNC client to run as a 'remote frame buffer'. I used it sucessfully recently when I had to do some work at another company's site, and had to use a different Windows equipped PC almost every day. With a VNC server running under Linux on my notebook, I could sit down at any random PC and execute VNC (over the network served by Samba) and instantly convert it to a full linux X Terminal. There is a bit of hysteresis in the mouse motion if the PC or network is slow, but it is quite usable, and has the advantage over a real X-terminal in that you can 'disconnect' from one PC and 're-connect' from another without having to log out or close any windows... I havn't tried the current release on Windows 3.11, but I am sure I have used older versions on it. Regards, DigbyT PS As an aside, you can also do the reverse and run a VNC server on Windows, allowing a Linux system to take display the Windows console in an X-Window. -- Digby R. S. Tarvin