ken wrote:
Probably the same reason "sane-find-scanner" works:
# sane-find-scanner ... found USB scanner (vendor=0x05da, product=0x20b0) at libusb:002:002 ...
Which just basically tells you lsusb found it on the usb bus, but doesn't mean it will work or has a driver.
but "scanimage -L" fails.
# scanimage -L
No scanners were identified. If you were expecting something different, check that the scanner is plugged in, turned on and detected by the sane-find-scanner tool (if appropriate)....
What's the next step? Edit /etc/sane.d/dll.conf and comment out microtek2, then retry. According to the sane website, it is supported good (flatbed mode only?). BTW, it does not seem to be listed in usb.ids, you might want to send an email to the maintainer (check /usr/share/usb.ids for email address.) to get its id (20b0) added.
-- Joe Morris Registered Linux user 231871