On Thursday 29 August 2002 12:09, Jerry Feldman wrote:
There have been some good posts and I'll not reiterate. You might want to obtain OpenOffice for Windows. You can then have the users check out Open Office. I am aware of some anomalies with OpenOffice that do not occur with StarOffice 6.0. (And Open Office/Linux vs. Open Office (Windows), but those should be resolved shortly. By Migrating to either Open Office and/or Star Office 6.0 on Windows you can then more easily migrate to Linux.
This is a very good idea and is what I am doing with some staff in my office at the moment. I have them using OOo and Mozilla. So far they are quite happy with it. I also have several of the more adventurous people running dual boot machines and encourage them to spend time 'playing around' in Linux. I think the trick is to migrate slowly. Don't try and do it like flicking a switch. Give the users time to encounter problems one at a time so that you can iron them out for them. The microsoft compatibility problem might turn out to be one of your minor headaches. Jethro