From: tabanna <> Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 19:58:46 +0000 Message-Id: <00123020004701.01097@AIG> Subject: Email client ---------- Forwarded Message ---------- From: Shea Martin <> <p>Pronto is great if you are running a PIII/Athlon 1.5GHz, w/ 1024MB of RAM. For those of us with a k6-II 400Mhz, w/ 64MB of RAM may want to avoid pronto. I admit thatfeaturewise, stability, and threading ability pronto is hard to beat. But Bynari's Tradeclient runs a close second and uses 1/3 the RAM of Pronto. Sylpheed would probably be my fav. if it could multi-thread. Auther claims it can, but it locks up while sending or recieving. Don't worry, it unlocks after. _________________________________ -- ____________ sent on Linux ____________ 100% Virus Free! AMD Inside