Sergey Mkrtchyan wrote:
Hi all!
I have installed SuSE 10 from DVD. Since I haven't got my own DVD Rom, I brought it from my friend and installed succesfully. Then when I want to install nearly everything rpm, it asks me for the SuSE 10 DVD. Since at that time my friend is already gone with his DVD Rom, I don't know what to do. I copied that DVD to my hard and changed Installation Source from YaST to my local directory (previously removing the source concerning the DVD Disk). When trying to install something "rpm" it gives something like "some error with some package", but when I enter the same DVD (which i copied to my hard and from hard version of which he doesn't want to install anything) it goes excellent. After restarting computer my SuSE don't want to load. And it behaves in different ways: one time it continuously restarts, another time it just gives me an Error 16 in GRUB (I have already installed SuSE today for four times). I guess that was the reason of the problem I described in another thread "Grub Suddenly Crashed", because it came to that after I copied that disk to my hard.
Can anyone help? How to use a local copy of that DVD? Just not to get my friend's DVD Rom each time I want to install something.
If you had properly set up the local copy and removed the DVD entry, that shouldn't be happening. While I have a DVD drive on this computer, I copied the DVD contents to the hard drive and configured Yast to look there. I haven't had that problem you're referring to.