* Andy Choens <andy.choens@gmail.com> [03-28-05 16:32]:
I didn't see the </sarcasm> tag at the end of your email.
And, nope, I never saw my original. That's a first.
Fedora was becoming a pain in the a$$, but not like this........
Are you *inferring* that it is SuSE's fault???? The Fedora list has so much noise it's hard to use it. People get into these RIDICULOUS flame wars about absolutely nothing at all. It was tiring to say
On Monday 28 March 2005 5:13 pm, Patrick Shanahan wrote: the least. There were some good people on the list, but you had to filter through all of the noise. Here, I just don't get to see my posts. Weird, but an improvement. -- Alex Lowe's 3 Rules for Climbing: 1 - Come Back Alive! 2 - Come Back Still Friends With Your Partners! 3 - Get To The Top!