29 Jan
29 Jan
Örn Hansen wrote:
Where did you get that latest 2.6.1 kernel from SuSE ? I haven't seen any, in fact the latest I've seen is 2.6.0test5 kernel.
In fact, the modutils that are current in SuSE don't work with 2.6.1, so I am extremely curious as to WHERE in SuSE those utils, and not to mention the kernel. And hopefully, with the splash patch, and ACL patch, which the kernel that was provided with SuSE 9.0 didn't have.
Not so, SuSE 9.0 modutils does work with 2.6.1 kernels, at least the ones from kernel.org, I haven't tried any of the kraxel kernels, however. barrabas:~ # rpm -qf /sbin/insmod modutils-2.4.25-50 barrabas:~ # uname -r 2.6.2-rc2-mm1 Regards Sid. -- Sid Boyce .... Hamradio G3VBV and keen Flyer Linux Only Shop.