Hehehe. I am trying to get advancemenu to work. thanks George On Sunday 14 September 2003 13:35, you wrote:
I have been told it exists...where do you get it from? It's not on the ftp server :-(
Amazing how you beat me to this by just a few minutes. :) I was just about to post the same question.
Pieter Hulshoff
-- George Reynolds *SuSE Linux 8.2/2.4.20 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -HTML emails will not be read; so don't send them!- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *WARNING!* Have you received a virus from me? My computer will NEVER send a Windows virus! Emails without my signature and this warning are NOT from me! Please note that I am changing my email address. Emails sent to an !dodgybloke=co=uk address will be discontinued on 31/9/03. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GCS/O d++@>-- s: a-- C++@>++++$ UC++++(++++)>$ P+ L+++ E W++@ N+ o K- w--- O+ M V- PS PE Y PGP+ t+ 5 X+ R tv++ b++ DI+++ D++ G e+++ h- r y?* ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------