Greetings, people. I wonder if you can help us in this. A newbie friend is trying to install SUSE 10 onto his Windows box. (he is a power user of Windows, and he has no prob to understand what is going on with partitions, packages, etc). The box has two disks. /dev/hda, dev/hdb. During Setup, he selects Language (Greek) & KDE, then moves to Advanced as he was told to create custom partitions . He does the following partition configuration : /dev/hda1 with HPFS/NTFS mounts to /windows/C (main windoze) /dev/hda2 with ext3 mounts to /. He selects it to be formatted. /dev/hda3 as swap and selects it to be formatted. /dev/hdb1 with HPFS/NTFS mounts to /windows/D (data, essential docs, etc) Then he configures GRUB into MBR of /dev/hda as follows: SuSE Linux 10.0 /boot/vmlinux (/dev/hda2, root=/dev/hda2) Windows Floppy FailSafe Memory Test default boot partition: /dev/hda1 When the software is installed the system is rebooted and the following message appears: GNU GRUB version 0,96 (639K lower .... upper memory) [Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. For the first word, TAB lists possible command completions. Anywhere else TAB lists the possible completions of a device/filename] grub> It seems that grub is installed but not properly. Why is that? Do you have any suggestions? I mean, anything will be welcomed because I would really like to help the guy. He is programming in C, C++,PHP, etc and he is preparing his migration a long time now. It is a pity that SUSE (IMHO the best distro) isnt working for him. Thanks in advance, --Dimitris Kalamaras