8 Mar
8 Mar
On 2021/03/07 14:28, colony.three@protonmail.ch wrote:
Just hand-built a pod from the docker-compose.yaml for mailu/postfix. But two problems:
A pod? What is a pod? Only place I've heard that term is meaing 'Plain-Old-Documentation' as used in perl. It seems it is not a bootable or autostart-able image as you talk about it being "rootless" as well as "not auto-starting on boot". Are you talking about some type of VM? Using docker? with some specific SW (mailu/postfix)? Is it designed to be an "App-only" container that isn't runnable on its own (i.e. no root or boot ability)? If that's the case wouldn't it need to be started as part of booting the hosting PC (or server) where you created the VM?