I would move all the windows stuff to one drive and install SuSE on the other. Not because it will be any easier, or work any better, but for future upgrades. Sooner or later you will want to fit a bigger drive, get rid of windows or try another OS, and at that stage it starts getting confusing if things are spread around too much.
Thanks very much for that tip, that is a question I had planned to ask. I think that is the way I'd like to go. With my bios I cannot go higher than a total of 8 gigs, I was given a 4 gig hard drive a little while ago, presently have 4 gig and 3 gig. I've wondered weather the fiddle farting would be worth it for one extra gig but if I'm moving stuff anyway I might get it swapped. As you will learn, reading my letters, I'm not very techy at all. Maureen.