Dear All, I recently "upgraded" from a CYRIX 333 [runs about 262MHz ;o)] to an AMD K7/ 1Ghz processor. Whilst before I could quite happily go and make myself a nice cup of tea, I now no longer have time :-/ I feel that this is ridiculous, and wish to lodge an informal complaint and ask you to rewrite GCC et al in a mickeysoft fashion [very bloated and slow ;o)] so that I can enjoy a nice cup of tea. <grins> It is such a surprise! Take care all ;o) -- -=[Tigersden Internet Services]=- ************COMING SOON************* -=[For All Your Internet Needs]=- * HTTP:// * -=[P.G.P. Public Key Available]=- ************COMING SOON************* -=[ !!Powered by SuSE Linux!! ]=- My eyes are 20-20, but my brain isn't too good at interpreting what they see =o)