Has anyone been able to get a single sign on with SuSE 9.2 in a win2k3 because it sure is giving me gray hair? I am trying to achieve authentication in a AD corporate infrastructure for testing linux machines for a project and I tell you all the other admins have run away from SuSE saying it is hopeless and user Fedora, I do not want to be in that boot but I have not been able to get it to work. I was following this link which the other admins used for Fedora and got Fedora to work no problem http://www.billboswellconsulting.com/addl_Linux_Info_authenticating_suse .html The company is going through a eval for using some Linux Desktops in their environment and I desperatly am trying to get this integration to work for me and SuSE :) but it is not woking out so far. I can get the pc to join the domain it shows up in the AD computers but authenticating against the domain is not working it is asking for username and password when trying to browse domain shares like the home shares, that does not happen on the Fedora machines. Any help from somone who has done such would be appreciated.