The one to get is the IWILL DP533!! I looked over them all. I had an IWILL P3-i860 Dullie that worked flawless. It has PCI-X 133 and PCI-100's. Plus standard PCI, w/ Giga-bit Ethernet. This is the one I have... Plus it allows you to setup the RAM timings where the others won't.. So if you get faster than PC2100 RAM you can tweak it up a bit... Also people have gotten the 2.4 and 2.6(400FSB) CPU's and run them at 533 FSB.. The board will ingnor the FSB if selected... Just watch your cooling solution, but you don't need water, if keeping close to the MHZ of the chip... But A nice option via saving $$ too. -Ron
From: Mike <mike@mikenjane.net> To: suse-linux-e@suse.com Subject: Re: [SLE] Dual CPU motherboards Date: Fri, 5 Sep 2003 18:57:58 +0200
On Friday 05 September 2003 18:00, Jack Alderson wrote:
I want to put together an "EXTREMELY" fast system with a minimum of 2 - 2.6GHz + Xeons or Athlons and a U320 or U160 SCSI hard drive(s) and 2 Gig or more of memory. I need to know if there is a dual cpu motherboard that SuSE 8.2 Professional will run on of this calibre.
Can anyone tell me if any of the motherboards in this list will work?
For Xeon CPUs... Asus PC-DL Deluxe Asus PR-DLSW Intel SE7505VB2 Supermicro X5DA8 Supermicro P4DP6-Q Supermicro P4DC6+ Supermicro X5DAL-G
For AMD CPUs... GigaByte GA-7DPXDW-P MSI K7D Master MPX
I can say anything about those, but my Tyan S2460 with a pair of 1600+ MP processors works quite nicely. 1 gig of ram, and all SCSI components is nice too. I think the 2469 or even the 2462 will hold up to what you want.
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