On 24-Jul-05 Stan Goodman wrote:
It took me only seconds after I installed SUSE Linux to see that my desktop machine is too slow to support it properly with KDE. This is a Supermicro P6SBA motherboard with a 350MHz CPU. It was, of course, blazingly fast when I bought it, but that was then, while this is now.
A review of suitable MB/CPU combinations operating at speeds that I hear people talk about shows me that they would make an unsupportble dent in my finances. But I might be able to swing a faster CPU for the existing MB. The fastest CPU available for this motherboard runs at 800MHz.
I don't think I have a problem with the speed at which applications run. What is on my mind is the responsiveness of the desktop: it takes forever for windows to even show up on the screen.
I would like to hear comments from a few others (if there are any) who are using SUSE v9.x on systems with speeds in the neighborhood that is available to me with the faster CPU on this MB.
I would also suggest looking at your RAM. The more the merrier. How much do you have now? My most powerful machine has a 733MHz CPU with 512MB RAM. Granted it runs SuSE 7.2 (I've never gone for a later one), but there are no delays of any kind, with KDE. A very snappy machine. If I were to up it to your proposed 800MHz it would be a blazer! Even my very old 75MHz machine (64MB RAM) is fast enough for what I use it for (but that's an even older SuSE -- 5.2), while a laptop with 366MHz and 128MB RAM is still pretty good with Red Hat 9 and GNOME (though sluggish at times since GNOME is heavy and it's not long before the disk-swapping cuts in -- but, if I could put 512 MB RAM into it, it too would be pretty snappy). Hoping this helps, Ted. -------------------------------------------------------------------- E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <Ted.Harding@nessie.mcc.ac.uk> Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861 Date: 24-Jul-05 Time: 23:06:17 ------------------------------ XFMail ------------------------------