On Thursday 25 September 2003 02:20 pm, Maureen Crothall wrote:
I would move all the windows stuff to one drive and install SuSE on the other. Not because it will be any easier, or work any better, but for future upgrades. Sooner or later you will want to fit a bigger drive, get rid of windows or try another OS, and at that stage it starts getting confusing if things are spread around too much.
Thanks very much for that tip, that is a question I had planned to ask. I think that is the way I'd like to go. With my bios I cannot go higher than a total of 8 gigs, I was given a 4 gig hard drive a little while ago, presently have 4 gig and 3 gig. I've wondered weather the fiddle farting would be worth it for one extra gig but if I'm moving stuff anyway I might get it swapped. As you will learn, reading my letters, I'm not very techy at all.
Maureen. ===========
Maureen, Welcome to the SuSE list and hopefully soon to SuSE Linux. What are the specs on your IBM Aptiva? CPU, graphics, etc. type things. I know you mentioned it had 2 drives, 3gb & 4gb and 160mb of ram. It might be that you can update the bios in the machine from IBM to have it work with larger hard drives, although I am not sure that Linux would need a bios update to see, say a 40gb drive. If a bios update is possible, I would just to help bring the thing up to date. RAM should be adequate and everything should be supported. As many of the others have mentioned, a larger hard drive would be nice. With a single 40gb drive, you could have your dual boot on one drive, although I am not so sure I wouldn't keep the Windows drive, install on the second, larger drive, so that SuSE will have the whole drive. Later, you'll be getting rid of Windows anyway! ;o) I am a 2+ year newbie myself, but when I installed SuSE, it was pretty painless then. Things have come a long way since and I think you'll find it a nice install now with 8.2 at your disposal. The 4 gb drive you presently have will be enough space to install a minimal setup, but with all the programs available, you'll soon fill it up. Good luck and as the SuSE slogan says: Have a lot of fun! Lee -- --- KMail v1.5.4 --- SuSE Linux Pro v8.2 --- Registered Linux User #225206 On any other day, that might seem strange...