I don't understand ever releasing a Linux distro without:
apache2 apcupsd bind - and utilities dhcp-server, client, etc. ethereal php4, etc..
Randall Added
It appears you think all, or even most, Linux users run systems used as servers. I strongly doubt that's the case.
Maybe I'm just old school, but every distro I've ever bought or downloaded up until very recently has always included the capability to be either a server or workstation or both. Starting with mdk 7 or Suse 8. Granted, the improvement with the ftp mirror and update setup has largely rendered this argument moot. You can simply grab the additional packages you need. My point was that a large number of folks view the server packages as 'core' applications to any distro and it just seems strange that they weren't included There certainly wasn't a space argument to be raised. There is 1.6G of free space on the single layer DVD.