On 2018-06-05 16:22, Bengt Gördén wrote:
Den 2018-06-05 kl. 15:39, skrev Carlos E. R.:
Maybe there is a CLI method separate from readers.
$ rpm -qf `which pdfsig` poppler-tools-0.62.0-2.1.x86_64
$ wget https://blogs.adobe.com/security/SampleSignedPDFDocument.pdf -O /tmp/SampleSignedPDFDocument.pdf
$ pdfsig /tmp/SampleSignedPDFDocument.pdf Digital Signature Info of: /tmp/SampleSignedPDFDocument.pdf Signature #1: - Signer Certificate Common Name: John B Harris - Signer full Distinguished Name: E=jbharris@adobe.com,CN=John B Harris,O=Adobe Systems Incorporated,L=San Jose,ST=CA,C=US - Signing Time: Jul 16 2009 16:47:47 - Signing Hash Algorithm: SHA1 - Signature Type: adbe.pkcs7.detached - Signed Ranges: [0 - 227012], [248956 - 272318] - Total document signed - Signature Validation: Signature is Valid. - Certificate Validation: Certificate has Expired
WOW! Wonderful! :-)) It works on 42.3 with the first PDF I tried. Digital Signature Info of: Elec_XXX.pdf Signature #1: - Signer Certificate Common Name: EDU*** - Signing Time: Apr 28 2018 15:00:22 - Signature Validation: Signature is Valid. - Certificate Validation: Certificate issuer is unknown. Acroread concurs, but gives more info (like certificate details). -- Cheers / Saludos, Carlos E. R. (from 42.3 x86_64 "Malachite" at Telcontar)