First off, isn't this a suse-multimedia topic? Thus, I crosspost-move this mail there. Sjoerd Hiemstra schrieb:
James Mohr wrote:
I want to convert my record collection MP3 and I am looking for a way to do it. Somewhere in my memory is a program that will record what comes into the sound card and indentify the pauses between songs and separate them into individual WAV files. Once in WAV, the conversion to MP3 is pretty easy. However, it is this first step that has me stumped. Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreaciated.
I guess the program you are looking for is DAP (Digital Audio Processor), series snd.
Gramofile was made for that purpose, although I have not yet investigated on the "detect pause time" option (or what was it called there?)
bladeenc Song.aiff
What I am after is that if I copy say 90 min of sound to say maybe 10 splitted wav tracks, I want to convert them all (all 10 in one directory) to 10 mp3 files in one command on the console. i am trying to write me sort of a mp3_2_wav script, but yet it does not work. so before i go like reinventing wheels here, has someone such a script (no x, just console script!) that maybe uses the mpq123 -w option?
I suppose that automatically identifying the pauses and separating the numbers into individual files is possible with DAP, but I have not investigated this.
Regards, olli