On Fri, 02 Aug 2002 14:25:10 -0500 Dennis Tuchler <dtuchler@earthlink.net> wrote:
The fear is that my computer is a potential server for the LAN and therefore poses a security problem. I find this strange, but have no way of refuting it.
Any help? Any reference
Just about any computer can be used a server, even the windows machines. There are a whole bunch of mini-httpd daemons out there, and some compile on windows too. All anyone needs to do is put 1 of these somewhere on a high port and they could be serving out files. So the LAN operator has to have some sort of traffic monitoring for their firewall. if strange traffic shows up, they will be able to point to which machine sent it. Really, you should be complaining to them about the hazards of windows virrii on a net full of windows machines. Point out that linux dosn't spread viruses, and it would be useful to have an "immune machine". I'll bet the real reason is windows users don't want you to have the chance to show the superiority of linux, then they might be forced to change, once they see your success. -- use Perl; #powerful programmable prestidigitation