jdd schrieb:
Robert Schiele wrote:
On Fri, Sep 02, 2005 at 08:45:50AM +0200, jdd wrote:
in summary, how can I give away my ftp dir to bitorrent without having previously loaded it with bitorrent?
It depends on what client you use.
the ktorrent standard on suse beta
The most simple thing is just to start the desired BitTorrent client as if you wanted to download the images you already have. Let him download a few kilobyte and stop it again. Find where your client has placed the incomplete images. Copy your complete images to the very same location and restart your BitTorrent client. Most clients will notice that you already now have some images, it will do a quick check and then start seeding.
right now it keeps dowloading (?)
Use Azureus, which for sure is able to do this. I'm doing it this way, also i'm only on a small adsl line (only 10kb up :-( ) Simply download the .torrent file and point it to save the isos in the folder you already saved yours. The directory has to be named "iso" on beta2 - beta4 to work this way. On beta1 it was "Isos", IIRC. HTH, Christian