On Tue, 30 May 2006, Ryan Kather <rkather@missionpenguin.com> wrote:- <snip>
aireplay-ng.c has an include for linux/rtc.h and linux/if_ether.h and sys/types.h. It appears that if_ether.h references linux/types.h which conflicts with sys/types.h. An aireplay dev has confirmed this to only be an issue on SUSE (to their knowledge), thus far.
And only on 10.1. I've built the packages for SUSE 9.0 to 10.0, and those build properly. Only with 10.1 was there a problem which failed to build.
Off the top of my head I'd say there should be a user space version of linux/if_ether.h, but that's just a first impression
There is a userspace version at /usr/include/netinet/. I have altered the aireplay source to use userspace versions of all linux/ includes, but compile failed with an error in a function for RTC. Leaving rtc as a linux/ include and changing if_ether to netinet/ has allowed the program to successfully compile.
Thanks. I hadn't had the time to sit down and figure out what was wrong. <Snip>
The aireplay dev has not answered why they are using linux/ includes instead of userspace includes. It definitely seems to matter for RTC, but not for if_ether. I have suggested as best practice they should avoid the kernel includes. However, I am a little perplexed as to why that code works fine on Fedora, Ubuntu, Gentoo, etc.. but not SUSE.
Having built the package on all the SUSE versions from 9.0, my guess would be something to do with the difference in glibc versions. All the versions that previously built without changes were using glibc 2.3.x whereas 10.1 is using 2.4. Not having systems running the other distros, I'd hazard a guess that they may still be using 2.3.x. Regards, David Bolt -- Member of Team Acorn checking nodes at 50 Mnodes/s: http://www.distributed.net/ AMD1800 1Gb WinXP/SUSE 9.3 | AMD2400 256Mb SuSE 9.0 | A3010 4Mb RISCOS 3.11 AMD2400(32) 768Mb SUSE 10.0 | Falcon 14Mb TOS 4.02 | A4000 4Mb RISCOS 3.11 AMD2600(64) 512Mb SUSE 10.0 | | RPC600 129Mb RISCOS 3.6 -- Check the headers for your unsubscription address For additional commands send e-mail to suse-linux-e-help@suse.com Also check the archives at http://lists.suse.com Please read the FAQs: suse-linux-e-faq@suse.com