31 May
31 May
Hello, It's the new guy again, first I have to admit I can use Linux like a man who can drive a car but gets into a tank...so it's all in theory, I jus don't know where all the switches and pedals are yet...no what that is out of the way and I have notified everyone that I don't know jack I might get a reply that I can comprehend :) Okay I've (well I think I have) secured my Linux box...with SuSE harden, a few FAQs on disabling services, changing permissions and general stuff....now I want to create a user that has ROOT ablites with out the ROOT name. Sounds Easy, I thought it was but NOPE, none of them work entirely right, kind of like a co-worker of mine ;p Anyway that's my issue. Thanks from A NEWBIE, Aaron, L. Johnson