On Fri, Jun 11, 2021 at 01:55:02PM +0200, cagsm wrote:
On Thu, Jun 10, 2021 at 10:22 PM paolo brusasco <pabrusas3@libero.it> wrote:
Thank you for opensuse 15.3. Updating a brand new x64 opensuse install kde and gnome, as for now, fails and it's well known all over the internet. Zyppering and rezyppering updates something but doesn't fix. I'm sorry for the annoyance but I think this item should be on the top of the forum till the fix, and users should be openly informed of the fixing process on top of every official page of the project. Great, long lasting distribution, we wish and hope well.
why did opensuse recent leap 15.3 become a mere paper launch? why this degradation and bastadisation of us leap user base? we are the unwanted sibling of the SLE :( zypper patch still fails miserably with buckets full of fail
We are working on it as fast as we can. Ciao, Marcus