On 2017-10-21 21:57, ken wrote:
On 10/20/2017 07:58 AM, Carlos E. R. wrote:
On 2017-10-20 08:08, Per Jessen wrote:
Carlos E. R. wrote:
On 2017-10-19 18:51, Per Jessen wrote:
ken wrote:
Is there an app called pdftk for suse?
I know there are many apps to handle PDFs, but this one is unique in its capabilities... I haven't found another which can do all the same things. I find ghostscript does everything I need (wrt PDFs). Can you remove passwords, change internal permissions wit ghostscript?
I don't know, I never had the need. Well, that's the kind of things we need "pdftk" for.
Agreed. For anyone having to handle PDFs -- which is almost everybody these days -- it's just too useful to let drop in the bitbucket.
I don't understand, however, what is the technical issue with it. I only have this paragraph from Bruno Friedmann: +++---------------- Wuut this one is needed by myself. As seen here (devel repo) https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Publishing/pdftk pdftk is victim of gcj removal. I've not checked if it can be build without. ----------------++- I don't understand what it means. What is "gcj removal"? A java compiler? man gcj: +++---------------- NAME gcj - Ahead-of-time compiler for the Java language DESCRIPTION As gcj is just another front end to gcc, it supports many of the same options as gcc. This manual only documents the options specific to gcj. ----------------++- I don't understand it. Is pdftk done in java? Can't it then be built with plain java? Or interpreted instead of compiled, or whatever? The good news for us users is that Bruno needs it, he says, so I hope he can find a solution. -- Cheers / Saludos, Carlos E. R. (from 42.2 x86_64 "Malachite" at Telcontar)