I have the same laptop and had the same problem when I upgraded to 7.0. I was using a Linksys 10/100 pcmcia card. I had to change a settling in the BIOS to change it from auto to something else. Since my laptop is at work, I can't currently tell you the exact setting. It would install okay, but the pcmcia card would be detected as a memory card instead of a NE2000 card. Also, you may also need to install the pcmcia package after the initial install if you have problems during the install. However, it does work as I use it every day. Some toshiba laptops have problems with the ToPIC97 pci controller for the network cards. This has been mentioned by David Hinds in the PCMCIA Howto. Any, good luck! "Donald G. Knecht" wrote:
hey, after upgrading my toshiba sattelite (205CDS) to 7.0 boot fails,(locks up, freezes), at PCMCIA scheme....... looking at pcmcia files in /etc/pcmcia i really don't see a problem, /val/lib/pcmcia/scheme contains: "SuSE" and nothing else the init.d file shows a bunch of scripting and code that i don't really understand......... can anyone help? TIA, don
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